According to the research of Research Association of Furniture Industry, it is cam to know that 70% of the bed depreciates over 10 years. If your bed has passed 8-10 years of his life then it is definitely a time purchase a new bed. Here, I have suggested 10 tips to guide you so that you can purchase a best bed. These are some simple tips that will help you in attaining the right and best bed so that you may feel the pay for bed worthy.

Decide the bed type:

There are many types of beds available in the market; the selection totally depends upon your preferences, styles, home condition and circumstances. Do you want a cheap bed to be placed in a small room or do you want high end bed to be placed in master bedroom as a focal point? First of all you need to clarify this thing. Beds are available in many materials; light weight metal beds, sturdy wooden beds and stylish leather beds.

Size of bed:

Measure of the space that you are having in your house for placing the bed; your room is small or large, which size will fit there. The selection of bed size also depends upon the number of people that are going to sleep over it. Below are given some typical measurements.

 Right mattress:

The selection of bed mattress affects the quality of your bed and can make it comfortable or pinching for you. You should select the right mattress so that you may get a disturbance free night sleep.

 Place for shopping:

A huge number of shops are now opened in the market where you can go and shop; but you should prefer brands instead of some local suppliers. Brands assure you quality and resolve your ambiguities.
Online outlets are now also available which can help you in attaining the best and huge range of beds without spending on transportation and wandering.

Behavior in shop:

While you are in the shop then do not do hurry, take it proper time so that you may not regret after taking it home. You should spend a valuable amount of time on trying and evaluating the bed before going to pay for it.

Bring your partner:

If you are looking for a double bed or queen sized bed then you must take your partner with you so that he or she may not resist it after purchase. Everybody has different tastes and preferences so you should take care of this thing.

Questions to ask from supplier:

Some of the questions to ask are:

  • Guarantee
  • Delivery
  • Bed assembly package
  • Price of mattress
  • Storage design options
  • Headboard option
  • Price

Right price:

To get a bed in an affordable and right price you must go for the combo deals, discount offers and online models and sale. You should do proper bargaining to make the purchase a win-win situation where both of you get the benefit.


If you are having access to a van then you may take the bed to hoe at your own but if it is not the case then you must ask seller to provide a delivery service. Before handing over the money you must put it in writing that they will deliver bed to you.

Get rid of old one:

Instead of giving your old bed to your kids, guests, friends or relatives; you must dispose it. You may also recycle it by going to any nearest recycling unit.