At present modern storage beds are generally manufactured with slatted top that provides a good hold to the mattress of the bed. These bed types don’t come with the posts that canopy beds usually do not have, nor do they come with foot boards or headboards. This plain, stylish chic design of bed is very well liked and admired in a number of Asian countries and Western Europe. These bed types generally provide a solid and firm place to sleep comfortably.

Majority of the storage beds are available with additional storage spaces in the form of various drawers and a huge empty cavity under them and therefore considered to be an ideal furniture item for small houses and studio apartments.

As the slate solid slats of this bed type offer essential hold up, all you have to put on it is a single bed sized mattress. For the reason of its cost effectiveness, it is preferred and well liked by many people as compared to conventional four poster beds. These bed types are made up of various materials such as wooden bed frames, metallic and leather bed frames. In fact the quality and durability of any bed frame depend upon the quality of material has been used in its manufacturing. Another important feature of these beds made up of storage purpose is that they can also be made to order according to your preferences and requirements with wheels or other mechanisms.